
பாலர் பள்ளி மாணவர்களுக்குத் தமிழைக் கற்பிக்கக் கைகொடுக்கும் 'பாலர்பள்ளிக் கருத்தரங்கு 2024'

The Symposium for Preschool Tamil Language Teachers 2024, held on 6 July 2024, provided a platform for educators to explore various methods of teaching Tamil to preschool children. Organised by the Tamil Language Learning and Promotion Committee, the symposium focused on demonstrating the effectiveness of meaningful play and outdoor learning in engaging children’s interest in the Tamil language. Preschool teachers from across Singapore shared that they discovered many interesting new activities and gained valuable insights into the relevance of outdoor learning in Tamil language education.

Mohan Harivarthni, a third-year NIEC (NP) student pursuing a Diploma in Tamil Studies with Early Education, emphasised the importance of implementing effective learning methods in the classroom as a key factor for a teacher’s success. Attending the symposium has significantly boosted her confidence, offering invaluable support in her journey to becoming a skilled educator.

Published on 6/7/2024

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