
国立幼教学院将设交流中心 支持学前教育工作者

On June 8, Lianhe Zaobao reported on the NIEC graduation ceremony, during which Minister of State for Education and Manpower Gan Siow Huang unveiled NIEC’s plan to establish a centralized hub aimed at fostering collaboration among early childhood (EC) educators. This initiative seeks to offer comprehensive support for professional development and career advancement. The article discussed NIEC’s significant progress over the past 5 years in training over 20,000 students to graduate as early childhood educators. It also highlighted the increase in higher Nitec graduates choosing to further their studies with NIEC EC diploma. Additionally, the government has increased financial aid and benefits to those wishing to continue their studies and become further qualified as educators through the Continuing Education and Training (CET) grant for diploma courses. The article concludes with a quote by Mrs Loke-Yeo Teck Yong, NIEC Director and CEO, proudly reflecting on the institution’s growth and achievements during the past five years.


Published on 08/06/2024

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