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It Takes a Big Heart to Shape Little Minds!

Maybe you’ve grown up in a household full of very young siblings and cousins, or you’ve worked part-time at an enrichment school for little ones, or you, very simply, just enjoy being around children. 


You love their bright-eyed wonder for the world they are only just getting to know, are interested in what makes them giggle as much as what makes them sad, and want to be part of the messes that they make! 


Explore a career in early childhood by taking up our courses after your O/N(A)-levels or Higher Nitec, and help our children build a solid foundation for their learning. 


Download our brochure here




Preschool teacher reading to 3 of her students
Preschool teacher bringing 3 students for outdoor learning

More Reasons to Join the Sector…

Growing Demand for Early Childhood Educators

The 24,000-strong early childhood workforce will require over 2,500 more educators by 2025. 

Great Career Progression

With the right qualifications and competencies, you can go on to be in leadership positions.

Support from the Government

The Government’s annual spending on the sector has increased from $1 billion in 2018 to $1.8 billion in 2021 and is expected to double over the next few years.

What Makes a Good Early Childhood Educator?

Do you…

  • Work well in teams and are keen to learn?
  • Love working with children?
  • Care for others, have good values & social skills?
  • Want to make a difference by giving every child a good start?

If you are an O/N(A)-level or Higher Nitec student and want to be a part of their present that affects their future, then you should be an early childhood educator!



Our Courses

We conduct our early childhood courses in collaboration with ITE College Central, Ngee Ann Polytechnic and Temasek Polytechnic at the NIEC (ITE), NIEC (NP) and NIEC (TP) campuses respectively. 


This means that you get to be a student of NIEC and one of your chosen institute of higher learning (IHL). You will receive the same quality training regardless of the campus you’re in and will graduate with a certification recognised by the Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA). 


Click through to learn more about our courses!




Diploma in Early Childhood Development & Education (N96 & T68)


Diploma in Tamil Studies with Early Education (N95)


Higher Nitec in Early Childhood Education (V42)



What’s Life as an NIEC Student Like?

Hear what our students have to say about their NIEC experience – lessons, assignments and all!
Find out more about the NIEC student experience.

If you are taking a course at either NIEC (ITE), NIEC (NP) or NIEC (TP),

you get to be a student of NIEC at one of your chosen poly or ITE.

Did You Know the ECDA Training Award Covers Your Course Fees?

The Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA) Training Award lets you enjoy perks like course sponsorship, grants for study-related expenses and more. Click here for the full details.


What Our Graduates Have to Say...

When Do You Apply?

Graduating O-Level students



How to apply

Higher Nitec in Early Childhood Education


Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE)
Application for entry to AY 2024:

To be announced


ITE Early Admissions Exercise [ITE-EAE]
Application for entry to AY 2025:

To be announced




How to apply

Diploma in Early Childhood Development & Education


Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE)

Application for entry to AY 2024:

To be announced


Poly Early Admissions Exercise (Poly EAE)

Application for entry to AY 2025:

To be announced


Diploma in Tamil Studies with Early Education



Graduating N-Level students



How to apply

Diploma in Early Childhood Development & Education


Polytechnic Foundation Programme (PFP)

Application for entry to AY 2024:

To be announced



Graduating ITE students



How to apply

Diploma in Early Childhood Development & Education


Early Admissions Exercise for ITE [EAE (I)]

Application for entry to AY 2025:

To be announced

Diploma in Tamil Studies with Early Education




Applicants who are ineligible to apply through the above admissions exercises may apply under the Direct Admissions Exercise (DAE) for admission to our full-time diploma courses. For more information, you may visit:


ITE Progression Award (IPA)


The Ministry of Education (MOE) has recently announced the ITE Progression Award (IPA) to better support Singaporean ITE graduates to upskill to a diploma. NIEC is pleased to share that our early childhood diploma courses are eligible for the IPA award.

  • Singaporean ITE graduates, aged 31 and below enrolled in our early childhood diplomas from 1 March 2024 to 31 December 2024 will get a $5,000 PSEA top-up upon enrolment and $10,000 CPA-OA top-up upon diploma completion, and
  • Singaporean ITE graduates, aged 30 and below enrolled in our early childhood in 2025 or after will get a $5,000 PSEA top-up upon enrolment and $10,000 CPA-OA top-up upon diploma completion

All qualifying Singaporeans will only be eligible for the IPA once. 


*Please refer to the MOE's website for the full details and the image below to check your eligibility: 


Eligibility Checker for Singaporean ITE Graduates

Image Source: MOE's website - Institute of Technical Education (ITE) Progression Award (IPA)